PJs & PBJs |
Saturday, January 11 |
8:30 am |
3.3 miles |
ABQ Academy perimeter |
Relay RePlay |
Saturday, February 8 |
8:30 am |
~3 mi per person |
Academy Hills Park |
Pi(e) Day Fun Run |
Friday, March 14 |
6:00 pm |
3.14 miles |
Flying Star Cafe - Juan Tabo |
Berta Run |
Saturday, April 5 |
8:30 am |
at least 6 miles |
Edgewood, NM |
#1 - PJs and PBJs Fun Run/WalkSaturday, January 11, 2025
Start: 8:30 am Distance: Approximately 3.3 miles Course: Albuquerque Academy perimeter trail - one loop We invite you to run or walk in your coziest pajamas around the Albuquerque Academy! PJ outfits are definitely welcomed and encouraged, but not required if that's not your style. After the run, enjoy some assorted PBJs (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) outdoors at the finish area.
Meet in Hoffmantown Church parking lot near the corner of Harper and Ventura NE. |
#3 - Pi Day Fun Run/WalkFriday, March 14, 2025
Start: 6:00 pm Distance: 3.14 miles Location: Flying Star Café, 4501 Juan Tabo NE (north of Montgomery) Come run PI and eat PIE on Pi Day!
This annual Fun Run will be held on 3/14, at 6 pm (yes, this is a weeknight run!). We will meet at the Flying Star on Juan Tabo near Montgomery to run 3.14 miles along the Bear Canyon Arroyo bike path. After the run, we will enjoy some pie! Please park in the lot behind the Flying Star, near the baseball fields. |
Kathy always has a new course every year ... to keep you all interested in coming out to the East Mountains! There will be plenty of hills but there will also be flat sections, on paved and dirt surfaces. All good components for a nice race!
If you'd like, bring something for the post-run Pot Luck (though our host Kathy is known for providing wonderful food)!
PJs and PBJs Fun Run/WalkSaturday, January 6, 2024
Start: 8:30 am Distance: Approximately 3.3 miles Course: Albuquerque Academy perimeter trail - one loop We invite you to run or walk in your coziest pajamas around the Albuquerque Academy! PJ outfits are definitely welcomed and encouraged, but not required if that's not your style. After the run, enjoy some assorted PBJs (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) outdoors at the finish area.
I am hoping to welcome you to the 16th hosting of my Lunatic Ball!
And, of course, it will be a new course! I have to keep you all interested in coming out to the East Mountains...right?! There will be hills -- and hills -- but there will also be flat and paved and dirt. All good components for a nice race! How many miles?...not greater than seven. Bring something for the post-run Pot Luck -- or not (I try to provide plenty of food)!
The Lunatic Ball awaits you!!! Hint -- ShineDown- A Symptom of Being Human |
Fun Run #2
Relay RePlay
Held Sunday, February 19, 2023 Location: Academy Hills Park Each member of 2-person teams ran ~1 mile around the park, and then tagged their partner...then did it all again, with each person running three laps total. Some participants were super serious, while others just enjoyed the location and camaraderie. Shannon had president-themed snacks (jelly beans, peanuts, almonds) and president-themed questions with a George Washington dollar bill as awards...plus other goodies too!
Fun Run #3Pi(e) Day Run
Held Tuesday, March 14, 2023 Running 3.14 miles on 3.14 Flying Star Cafe Thanks to Beth Davenport for laying out the course, with a measuring wheel for total precision. Craig took the photos, and brought the post-race pies, too! The event brought out many long-time ARR members, but also included some newcomers and visitors - hope you all had FUN!
Fun Run #4
Berta Run
Held Saturday, April 1, 2023 Home of Kathy Kirsling, Edgewood NM OKAY! Berta #15 is a Wrap! Start time was close to 8:30 am, when 16 runners headed off on the course. Weather couldn't have been any better. Cool, about 30° but minimal wind ~7 mph. A wonderful success!
The course was about 6 miles on roads and trails. Cliff Matthews was first overall finisher, and Jean Herbert was first female.
Kathy awarded many fun prizes and also had a marvelous spread of after-run food and drink, with contributions from some participants.
*** Health Advisory – If you have experienced any symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, loss of smell or taste, fever, aches, pains, chills, sore throat, runny nose, chest pain, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue) within 24 hours of the event not explained by an underlying condition, had close contact (less than 6 feet for more than 15 minutes) with someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19, or had a positive COVID-19 test, please do not attend this event and stay home.
This season's Event #2 invites you to run or walk in your coziest pajamas around the Albuquerque Academy! PJ outfits are definitely welcomed and encouraged, but not required if that's not your style. After the run, enjoy some assorted PBJs (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) outdoors at the finish area.
Meet in Hoffmantown Church parking lot near the corner of Harper and Ventura NE. Park in the vicinity of the red X. |
PO BOX 20011 | ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87154 An all-volunteer 501(c)3 organization as an affiliate of Road Runners Club of America Reference on this website to any specific commercial product, process, event, or service by trade name, trademark, service mark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Albuquerque Road Runners Club.